Should Silicon Valley Fix Its Image Problem?

The question is, does Silicon Valley want to fix this image problem? Decades ago, before it was called “Silicon Valley.” It was an area abundant with fruit and flower farms, redwood harvesting. And scattered towns connected via dirt roads. This fruitful area has also blossomed into computer chips. Hard drive platters, networking gear, devices. Computers, and internet companies galore. Many have become famous, gathered many riches. And helped to change other people’s lives. Today, Silicon Valley is experiencing the second gold rush, where investors. Entrepreneurs, workers, and more flock to this region to strike it rich and make a difference.

To understand perception

I asked my social media network of followers. Friends who are NOT from Silicon Valley to chime in. And leave three words about what their perceptions Kuwait Number Data are of Silicon Valley. See the raw post on FB. The goal wasn’t to argue, or to judge. But to listen and learn what others think. We stripped out any answers from folks that I knew were from the area, and well, the findings are pretty surprising. There’s quite a bit of negative sentiment toward Silicon Valley, in addition to the adoration. Of course, this is not a truly scientific endeavor, these respondents are in my social graph, and I would make the assumption they’re familiar with the tech industry or business, which is my primary topic.

Phone Number Data

A few findings

There are 534 words submitted that are ‘stand alone’ words. We segmented the data by sentiment; 161 are positive, 192 are negative, 181 are neutral. It was difficult to classify some of the phrases or words, so we had to do some data massaging and remove Belgium Phone Number List synonyms. There were some clear trends, as ‘Expensive’ showed up 36 times and ‘Innovative/innovation’ showed up 38 times. All of those wonderful things come with some severe drawbacks, which are nicely illustrated in the tag cloud, first let’s explore the positive sentiment. Below Word Cloud: Positive attributes provided from people who are NOT from Silicon Valley. The patterns are clear; Innovation scores the highest, then opportunity, exciting, optimism, and dreams.

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