How to Successfully Moderate a Conference Panel

This post is reprint from a few years ago, but is just as relevant, as the industry prepares for another busy conference season. Most Panels Suck: How To Stand out from Others Sadly, the value of most panels are really poor, and this is mostly due to the lack of moderation. Yesterday, I heard that one nervous moderator asked the panelists to introduce themselves (which was his job), then went directly to Q&A, providing little structured value to the audience. On the complete opposite end, I’ve seen one self-important moderator answer questions from the crowd, when it was his job to field questions to the panelists. How to Successfully Moderate a Conference Panel.

Objectives and Ideology

Think of the audience as your customers Treat the audience like your customers, they’ve paid with money and time to come  to your panel. Your job is to give them the information they need, or to entertain them, and often both. You’ve one of the most difficult jobs as you’ll have to set the pace, maintain some control, but Russia Number Data know when to back off. Remember that you’re here to serve the audience first and panelists second. Picking the right panel members Often, a moderator is asked to select the panel, this isn’t always the case, but more than likely you will be involved in the approval process. Find folks that are experts in the field and have varying points of view.

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I find that 3-4 panelists is ideal

Any less becomes difficult to flesh out all the viewpoints , and anymore becomes unwieldy. One time, I was 1 of 5 panelists, and I think I  spoke a total of 5 minutes, a real waste of time. Find out what success looks like Look at the context Chile Phone Number List of the conference, what is it about? who is attending? what are the  other panels? Ask the conference organizers what success would look like, what questions does the audience want answered and what is their level of sophistication? Preparation Get to know the panelists This is often difficult as many panels never meet in advance, but in our social world many folks are online and can be found. Do Google searches on their name and the topic at hand.

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