A lot has been seen and heard about the yellow september campaign. There are several websites. Portals and posts shared on facebook encouraging people to seek help and offering a personal space on their own facebook so that anyone who is experiencing difficulties can vent about the problem. What is yellow september? Yellow september is a suicide awareness and prevention campaign. Which takes place simultaneously throughout the world. During the month of september. Especially the 10th. Considered world suicide prevention day. In brazil. Activities only began in 2014. Concentrated in the city of brasília. A year later. In 2015. The campaign gained voice throughout the country. Including with the support and highlighting with lighting of monuments such as christ the redeemer in rio de janeiro/rj. The national congress and the juscelino kubitschek bridge in brasília/df. The stadium beira rio in porto alegre/rs among others. Main causes of suicide according to the world health organization – who. 800.000 people commit suicide every year. Which is responsible for the biggest cause of death among young people worldwide. Behind only traffic accidents. But surpassing diseases such as hiv. Suicidal and mental disorders appear as the vast majority of suicide cases. As do eating disorders.
Ulnerable groups suffering from any type
Discrimination complete the list. Such as indigenous groups. Refugees and immigrants and lesbian. Gay and transgender groups. How can social media help? Day after day. Several studies point to the excessive use of social networks as a strong influence on the mental health of the Singapore Phone Number List Population. The vast majority of which are linked to causes of depression. Low self-esteem and anxiety. On the other side of this maxim. It is possible to observe numerous channels and communities supporting those experiencing these difficulties. Both on social networks and on websites. Portals. Etc. People with difficulties often face judgment and are seen as “crazy” or “crazy” in the face of the difficulty they face. This. In addition to aggravating the case. Can be considered one of the main causes of the needy person’s separation from other people. Environments. Etc. Social networks and the welcoming environment with the popularization of the internet in the last decade. Social networks have been used as a source of learning and support for the problems faced by these people with difficulties.
The yellow september campaign brings
Sharing publications and texts encouraging friends with problems to vent and ask for help. An initiative that aims to offer help to those in need and a way of showing that this person is not alone. Yellow september example of a post shared by facebook users we spoke to isabela rosa. A facebook Belgium Phone Number List user who shared the chain. Regarding what motivated her to offer a space for her friends with difficulties to talk. She tells us: “i have several friends who have depression and they always come looking for help. Whether to talk or just to have someone by their side so they don’t feel alone. I try to talk and be there for them in the way they need. That’s why i shared the yellow september thing. Because i’ve already experienced depression and loneliness through these friends of mine. And i know that sometimes five minutes can change your temper and help someone.” in a little more depth. We asked about what advice and what types of help she could offer if someone requested support. Isabela responds “i have a good friend who has severe depression and she has talked about suicide several times.