Roadmap Five Phases of Digital Eras

To guide me, I often used this framework in client work, speeches, and reports. It serves us to see how technology is rolling out in our lives, as Scott Monty said, it could a “chart of your life”. It’s not just for me, it’s for all of us to use in our personal and professional planning. As we approach the anticipated recession, now is a good time to publish this roadmap, as we’ve seen economic conditions shape each era. For example, in the Internet Era, the dot coms experienced a shakeout in the 2001 recession. Next the Social Media era became a low-cost channel in the next economic downturn.

The collaborative economy

In the 2008 recession as people struggled to stay in homes, and get what they needed, cheaply. The same will happen in the next recession, technologies will reduce costs, increase efficiency, and humans and businesses will turn to Korea WhatsApp Number Data them to increasing their adoption at an exponential growth rate. It’s worth noting that these eras often happen in overlapping waves. One era doesn’t start and stop, they overlay each other, and obviously interact with each other. For example the Collaborative Economy era (like Uber) will soon become the Autonomous World era.

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The cars become self-driving

Internet era Social Media era Collaborative Economy era Autonomous World era Modern Wellbeing era When: Mid 90s, “popped” in 2001. Currently a matured market; nearly all internet users access these services. Gained traction in 2005, gained market adoption during 2008 recession, most internet users use these platforms Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List multiple times a day. Many companies birthed in 2008 recession, when people were resource strapped. Undergoing growth for decades, there have been many surges and ‘winters’ Early Fitbit emerged in 2007, Nike’s Fuelband emerged in 2012, spurring a craze.

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