How to know the degree of digitalization thanks

For many smes and self-employed workers, making the leap to new technologies is a daunting task. Fortunately, processing the digital kit aid is a good starting point to reverse this situation. In this article, we will explain what the test consists of to know the degree of digitalization. Your company and how to use it step by step. What is the digital maturity test to know the degree of digitalization? The digital maturity test, also known as the digital diagnostic test , is a government tool designed for smes and the self-employed. With it, these companies can evaluate their level of digital maturity . Although we will discuss how it works later, you should know that it is a simple online questionnaire . With it, simply by answering a few questions, it is very easy to know in which areas of a company.

To access it users must log

The private area of ​​the platform. What steps must be completed to know the level of digital maturity of your company? The aim of the government’s digital maturity test is to help smes and the self-employed understand where they are on their digital transformation journey and how they can improve. In this way, those responsible will know how to best take advantage of the digital bonus of up to 12,000 euros that the administration makes available to Malaysia Phone Number Data companies. Although official tools are often complicated to understand, it is evident that work has been done here to simplify the process. This is what you should do: in the first phase you will be able to evaluate the current state of your company in different areas, such as online presence or cybersecurity.

Phone Number Data

A personalized roadmap is provided

That indicates the steps to establish for the digitalization of your business. In the third step, you will get specific help to improve your skills in specific areas of digitization . Everything we have mentioned so far is the theoretical part of this question. Now, how to discover the level of digital Bahamas Phone Number List test ? Let’s see it. Know the degree of digitalization of your company with the digital kit test once you have analyzed the objectives of the maturity test and seen how it helps you know the degree of digitalization of your company , it is time to know what steps you should follow. Access the platform start by accessing the official digital kit platform, the acelerapyme website . Then, click on the menu and tap on self diagnosis . At that point, you will see the “ sign in ” button appear. As we mentioned previously, it is necessary to create an account to continue. If you have not already done so, on the next screen click on.

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