What is the modern search style

What is the modern search style Google never ends!  SEO Shibuya 109 gal and SEO. With the rise of social media, we often hear comments like “I don’t use Google because I’m doing SEO!” and “SEO is over!”, but what is the reality? This time, we’re talking about gals in their 20s who are highly sensitive in order to know the actual usage situation among young people. When it comes to gals, it’s Shibuya. When it comes to Shibuya gals, it’s 109! So, I went out to the streets of Shibuya and interviewed the famous 109 shop “LIZ LISA”.

We asked the real voices of Shibuya’s charismatic gals

About how search is used today. table of contents 1Profile introduction of LIZ LISA Sato and Atsumi 2Is SEO an abbreviation for “Service Engine Operator”? 3He Hong Kong WhatsApp Number Data follows users with similar hobbies and tastes on SNS such as Instagram and Twitter, and uses his timeline as a place to discover new information. I don’t use Facebook. FourUse search engines and SNS properly depending on trends and real-time nature. ~ Check SNS for current information ~ FiveUse a search engine to gather “specific” information. 6In order to “trust”, we can trust information provided by people with the same hobbies, acquaintances, and friends.

Utilizing his love and knowledge

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He is also involved in the store’s SNS operations. ── Do the two of you usually come into contact with the Internet in your work? Mr. AtsumiI am in charge of Ivory Coast Phone Number List SNS, updating Instagram and Twitter. Mr SatoI am a 109 News Writer*. You have to write keywords that will be searche properly. And if you don’t write something that matches the season, you won’t get many accesses. I put important keywords in the title, keeping in mind that the content would not overlap with summary sites. *What is 109 News? Writers selected from current SHIBUYA 109 shop clerks and reader models write and distribute articles with real. Cutting-edge information that today’s highly information-sensitive girls seek.

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