What is the role of marketing?

Marketing analyzes market competitors

Market analysis is nothing more than a kind of business intelligence. Similar to espionage games, the game is about understanding what our competitors are doing, what they have, what resources they have, strengths and what unsecured gaps they leave, thanks to which we are able to take offensive action in the fight for consumers.


Source: Cooltrack. How To Do A Competitor Analysis: An Essential Guide for Marketing Managers. 2020

The quality of work in this important part has a lot  japan telegram data to do with business decision-making. Saving on analytical activities very quickly makes itself felt in the form of blown budget . Unsuccessful campaigns ./ Launching the wrong products . Delays in introducing new solutions to the market and sleeping through the window of opportunity.

3. What is the role of marketing? Marketing defines attractive niches ready to be occupied or created

In today’s hyper-competitive business world, success or failure is often determined by the choice of niche in which to operate. It happens that decision-makers choose a very popular category . Convinced that since so many companies operate in it . It means that it must be very jane kelly owner  beneficial for them. Meanwhile, it very often turns out that where it is so dense . There is little free share of the business pie left for new, aspiring brands.

A well-functioning marketing department with a strategic background is able to determine whether the size of a given niche is sufficient to meet the needs of their porer 4th  b2c fax  business. When the niche turns out to be an insufficiently “rich deposit . Tthis will also be captured in the course of analytical work.


Source: Youtube. 2011

The future of most companies depends on the ability to indicate attractive niches. What is a satisfactory option today, allowing for building a profitable enterprise, does not mean that  this state will remain in the long term. The role of marketing is to indicate where efforts should be directed so that in 3, 5, 10 years the brand will still participate in the business game.

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