The question of how to gain market share and make a specific brand worth more has been on the minds of marketers around the world for a long time. In today’s article . I will introduce you to 7 principles of marketing according to Byron Sharp . Which will make your brand strong too.
Why is it worth developing brands according to Byron Sharp’s 7 principles of brand growth?
Because Byron Sharp is a professor and director of the Ehrenberg Bass Institute at the University of South Australia – one of the world’s leading institutions for analyzing and mexico telegram data researching marketing practices in terms of their market effectiveness. Sharp is an apostle of a new approach to marketing: the evidence- based approach .
His now cult book “How Brands Grow – what marketers don’t know . Was awarded the prestigious title of one of the most influential books by Advertising Age readers . And the author himself was hailed as the Kotler of the 21st century.
- This success factor is too often forgotten in the rush ricardo saborio ceo/president/ownerto be new. Consumers are extremely resistant to new ideas . Yet they are very “happy . When they are reminded of things they already believe in. Especially if it is done in an . Entertaining/funny” way.
- Most brands have played the same story patterns for years – the good guy saves the day and the bad guy does everything he can to stop him.
Sharp points out the need for consistency in marketing communication, due to the huge problem with gaining the attention of recipients who barely notice any advertisements b2c fax anymore. They do not need confusing advertisements . They need a consistent message that solidifies the presence of the brand in the minds of customers. In addition . He points out that one should be very careful when manipulating product packaging . Because it very often happens that brands that have introduced such changes have experienced a sudden and sharp drop in sales.
7. Stay competitive – don’t give a reason not to buy