7 benefici della Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is the process of automating systems or processes within a software. In essence, marketing automation can help streamline marketing activities and make your team more efficient .

We have identified the main advantages that marketing automation software , implemented with the right strategy , can bring to your business.

1. Efficiency: improve time and resource management

First, marketing automation makes your entire department more efficient. You can potentially reduce staffing costs and free up your team’s time to work on more important, strategic projects.

For example, instead of manually posting to social media every day, marketing automation tools can automate this process. This means your team can focus on more creative work, like planning and brainstorming future campaigns and projects.

Additionally, working with an automation platform simplifies your team’s tasks . A team member can post on social media, create a lead nurturing campaign, publish a blog post, or create a landing page, all from the same software.

2. Ultimately, this saves your team time when creating campaigns

By combining your sales and marketing automation efforts using the same platform, you will be able to align your company’s goals and efforts .

In essence, the process of moving from an MQL (marketing qualified lead) to an SQL (sales qualified lead) will be much easier.

In fact, according to research , marketing automation can lead to a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing expenses.

Marketing-Automation-why-it-is-worth-itPlus, it can help you generate more leads and increase sales . Your marketing team will spend more time optimizing conversion rates , while your sales team will increase productivity .
It’s a win-win.

3. Convert Better: Increase your conversion rate. 7 benefici della Marketing Automation

The automation software can help you increase the conversion rate and manage your contacts more efficiently.

The marketing automation platform will track your leads and you can also use it to retarget non-converting website visitors, increasing your CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) .

So, automation will give your team more leeway to analyze data and marketing strategy to improve lead generation.

8 Marketing Automation users on 10 increase the number of leads; 77% of marketing automation users record an increase in the number of conversions ( Oracle, 2021 ).

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4. Get accurate reports

With the use of an automation when cars become alive platform you can generate automatic reports .

Additionally, marketing automation platforms can provide a high-level overview of the overall process. This will help you see any issues and take action.

For example, if contacts drop off during america email list lead nurturing email campaigns or during the sales process, careful analysis will help you identify these points and resolve them in a timely manner.

5. Improve customer experience: personalize your digital marketing strategy 7 benefici della Marketing Automation

By saving time on data entry and analysis, your marketing team can focus more on creating valuable content. Marketing automation software, perhaps with the help of AI , will allow you to create more personalized content with segmentation and reporting capabilities .
With marketing automation, you can target people across multiple channels.
You can target them on social media, with search ads, or through email campaigns.

43 % of marketers say that improving customer experience is the top benefit of using marketing automation ( Ascend2 and Research Partners, 2022 ).

How does marketing automation facilitate all of this?

Automation turns website visitors into leads, and once you know who your leads are, you can segment them based on behavior or characteristics.

For example, the entire lead nurturing process can be personalized: someone read a post about how to create a strong brand identity? Then your nurturing email will invite them to a branding webinar you’re hosting.

This way, leads receive personalized messages and you can track their engagement. This will also help with lead scoring.

6. Score and prioritize: Lead scoring

Marketing automation software can set up lead scoring for your team, which will notify your sales team when a lead goes from a marketing-qualified lead to a sales-qualified lead.

Again, this is better alignment between your marketing and sales teams. It also automates the process, making it easier and real-time. This means that no time is wasted and that the sales team can immediately contact potential customers through the channels available (email, phone, etc.).

According to Marketo research, marketing automation improves sales productivity by 28% and revenue growth by 33% compared to companies that do not use lead scoring.

7. Nurture your contacts: lead nurturing

Last but not least, marketing automation makes lead nurturing possible. Marketing automation software is where you create your drip email campaigns and track their success.

Without lead nurturing, it will be more difficult to convert leads into customers.

According to Litmus research, 67% of marketers use automation for drip or nurturing campaigns.

Bottom line

In summary, marketing automation is a key solution to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of digital marketing activities. Thanks to the use of advanced tools and technologies, it is possible to automate various activities, improve the quality of campaigns and personalize messages based on the needs of individual users.

If you want to implement an effective and efficient marketing automation strategy, contact us to find out how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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