With the Yay.com hosted VoIP phone system, we put the power in your hands so you really have power over your own phone system. We nuisance calls think that you are the best person to manage the calls your business makes, which is why we give you the options to choose which calls you and your staff can make.
Restrict calls by the phone number
There can be a few reasons why you might want to restrict outbound calls from your office by phone numbers. One of these reasons might be because some phone numbers can be deceptively expensive to call. For example 070 numbers, while on quick glance might look similar to a mobile phone number, they can be more expensive to call as they are us to divert calls from other numbers. Likewise 084 numbers can carry high charges, as can phone numbers beginning with the 087 prefix which can be higher still. Within the Calls > Restrictions section in your country code +354, iceland phone numbers we offer the option to restrict outbound calls that being with certain number prefixes, contain or end in specific digits, or even restrict calls to specific phone numbers.
Restrict phone calls by call costs
In addition to restricting outbound call costs by phone number, you will also find it possible to restrict calls according to call costs. So if you’ve notica slow rise in premium rate calls being made on the office phone system, it’s really a simple process to curtail these calls. For example, phone numbers beginning with the 09 prefix can cost a lot more than regular phone numbers as it is a premium rate number, comprising of an why you should consider buying email databases for better marketing results access charge and a service charge and regulatby the Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA). With call cost restrictions you can limit calls according to their maximum cost per minute. This can range from 10p a minute through to £5 a minute, so you can be as lenient or as strict as you like.
Restrict Calls to International Numbers
As well as limiting calls by cost and phone number, you can also limit calls by location if requir. Perhaps your business is bas in the UK and you want to avoid any surprise International call
charges. International call restrictions will ensure that you won’t be able to call international countries unless you have plac them on your exceptions list. Total control over your calls at your fingertips!
Use Caller ID Routing to block nuisance calls
As well as restricting outbound calls, we know you can sometimes be blight with inbound nuisance calls. To deal with these calls, simply add the Caller ID Routing module to your existing call route. Add specific phone numbers or aero leads even phone numbers beginning with certain prefixes to the Caller ID routing module, filtering out these nuisance numbers so that these calls never come through to yourself or your staff, leaving only legitimate calls to be answer.
With these features, you’ll never be caught out by large bills causby calls to premium or premium or international numbers! It’s important to remember however, that calls on VoIP are a lot cheaper than you can expect on legacy landline phone systems. So while you shouldn’t expect to run up any large bills, these features are available to provide you with extra control and peace of mind over your calls and phone system.
To try these features out,. Alternatively if you already use our VoIP service, you can find these handy features within .