Lillian Todd Owner

contact name: Lillian Todd
contact job function details: owner
contact job function:

contact job title: Owner

contact job seniority: owner

contact person city: Wollongong

contact person state: New South Wales

contact person country: Australia

contact person zip code:

business name: PoolWerx Corporation Pty Ltd

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

denmark phone number library 500k package

business angellist:

business found year: 1992

business city: Milton

business zip code: 4064

business state: Queensland

business country: Australia

business language: English

business employee: 107

alfred hollingsworth president ceo

business category: consumer services

business specialty: mobile servicing, retail management, franchising, pool maintenance, consumer services

business technology: dyn_managed_dns,gmail,google_apps,office_365,magento,hubspot,apache,google_analytics,google_maps,facebook_web_custom_audiences,facebook_login,reach_local,facebook_widget,bootstrap_framework,drupal,bootstrap_framework_v3_2_0,google_font_api,google_tag_manager,mobile_friendly

business description: Poolwerx has been making Australian backyard and commercial pools healthy, since 1992. We???re ready to come poolside now and with over 300 mobile service technicians and 90 stores across Australia, why not call in today for a FREE 60 second water test.


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