According to PwC research, as many as 93% of managers declare problems with implementing adopted strategies (broadly understood – not only marketing).
One of the reasons for this situation, which in my opinion is key, is that the strategy operates on assumptions relating to the “future”, the characteristic feature of which is its uncontrollability.
So right from the start, there is a problem with mobilization to make difficult decisions, often violating the status quo in the organization – budget reshuffles, changes in the business model, giving up some activity, the need to create, understand and learn new processes, changing the malaysia telegram data employment structure, etc. Psychologists would say that this is due to the need to “leave the comfort zone.”
The ability to properly report progress is therefore crucial to the marketing success of an organization.
If the marketing department does not clearly present cody cannefax manager, it securityoperations to decision-makers “what it is doing and where it is going,” it will meet with resulting from concerns about the costs incurred.
In reporting progress to the board, all kinds of b2c fax numerical data defining progress will be helpful, which, when presented in the right visual forms, can significantly reduce the “blind spot” of people responsible for key decisions in the organization.
The marketing department should be aware that in every CEO (or other decision maker you report to) there is a “doubting Thomas” who “won’t believe it until he sees it.”