Advanced tech is changing the way marketing works and naturally companies are using it to . supercharge their sales process Over the last several years in particular the process of anticipating . prospective buyers’ intent has grown more scientific AI has the power to make the buying . experience more personalized and the selling experience more straightforward One easy solution many companies are . pursuing is offering chatbots on their website Chat solutions like Drift are easy to install .
Relatively Affordable and Start Directing
Relatively affordable and start directing traffic and gathering buyer intent right away You can opt . to have your staff chat to give a personal touch or automate the process with . a Drift Chatbot which will welcome all users ask probing questions to identify what the . buyer wants and route the potential lead to your sales team when they’re ready to . purchase Now that you have the low-down on using buyer intent to kick your sales .
Process into High Gear Let’s
Process into high gear let’s talk about the last two pieces of the puzzle morocco cell phone number list First . more often than not your customers are way ahead of you 57% of the B2B . buyer’s journey is completed before talking to a sales rep To feel equally prepared you . need to not only understand their position in the buyer’s journey but also have relevant . content at your fingertips to help you build a use case and handle sales objections .
Second with More Data at
Second with more data at your disposal your sales team should be remembering the 4ps of marketing spending more time . actively selling and less time doing non-selling activities According to CSO Insights sellers spend less . than one-third of their time actively selling With the right buyer intent data you should . be able to filter out more noise and focus more of your efforts on moving . people through your funnel Note Gathering buyer intent data has never been easier Sign up .
for Free Leadfeeder’s 14-Day Trial
For free Leadfeeder’s 14-day trial and give it a try Sujan cmo email list Patel By Sujan Patel . Sujan Patel is a partner at Ramp Ventures & co-founder Mailshake He has over 15 . years of marketing experience and has led the digital marketing strategy for companies like Salesforce . Mint Intuit and many other Fortune 500 caliber companies Now that you’re here Leadfeeder is . a tool that shows you companies that visit your website Leadfeeder generates new leads offers .