Incentives are important because they give the agents something fun to track and work towards, . And that adds a little excitement to their day. We all know it’s important to . Keep telemarketing employees engaged and excited to work for sales. And we all know that . Some telemarketing sales agents are self-motivated and some are perhaps less so. So, then the . Question becomes…how do I constantly motivate my telemarketing agents and get them to perform at . The top of their game on a consistent basis? Games and incentives are a great .
Cold Calling Leads: Building a Relationship
Way to do that!Nathan: what are your favorite games and incentives and why?Shannon: the games . That are most popular give everyone a “fair shot” at the prize, as well as . Games that contain several smaller prizes vs. One or two larger prizes. These games are . A bit more involved to run and take a fair amount of time to plan . And run but are worth it in the long run because someone is winning every . Single day, and every day there is something at stake.
How to Use CRM for Better Cold Calling Leads
I also prefer to run . Games and incentives that last full month, vs. Say months long. When you run a . Game with only or larger prizes, some agents lose hope, and uk number data have the mentality that . “I never win, so why try?”. If half of the team isn’t motivated halfway through . The game, then the incentive is no longer accomplishing its goal, and could even be . Demotivating. The whole point of running an incentive is to keep telemarketing sales job exciting .
Cold Calling Leads: The Importance of Listening
And fresh, and if you are running an incentive for too long and it loses . The excitement that it was intended to have, you are going backwards.Nathan: what prizes do . Telemarketing monitoring social networks sales agents tend to find the most motivating?Shannon: the most motivating prizes are gift . Cards. We have built a really cool gift card portal that the team absolutely loves. . Everyone has a login to the web-based portal. As each individual wins prizes for various . Incentives, the prize amount is loaded into their account.
How to Use Feedback to Improve Cold Calling Leads
At the agent’s discretion they are . Able to log into their account and redeem their balance for various gift cards. We . Have inventory from wal-mart to buffalo wild wings to amazon, and the list goes on. . It is common for the agents to use their account as something b2b reviews similar to a . Christmas club savings account and many “stock pile” their winnings to redeem for gifts. Others . Like to redeem them right away and enjoy a meal out with their family. Giving .