The telemarketing agent simply types in what the customer . Says. Seems pretty basic, doesn’t it? However, as we get into analyzing data and running . Reports from that data, it becomes evident that the more streamlined the data capture process, . The better the data is. Below are basic steps I like to follow when setting . Up the data capture process with any new telemarketing program. Client expectationsst rule of thumb: . Never assume anything. Assumption can be a killer for all parties involved.
Cold Calling Leads: The Role of Persistence
Make sure you . Clearly understand what data elements are required by the client. In addition, to understanding the . Data elements, make sure you clearly understand every data field that will be required, the . File layout format requirements, data capture limitations and which fields can be over-written with updated . Data during the telephone call. If you need to set up a meeting with a . Client or make a phone call to iron out some of these answers it is . Best to do so.
How to Use Data to Optimize Cold Calling Leads
A client will respect you for caring about their data enough . To take the time to ask. Setting up data captureonce you have identified the data . Capture requirements, make bulgaria number data sure you set up your program so that you are able to . Limit any possibilities of mistakes during the data capture process. And while this may seem . To be a time killer in the beginning, it will save you time in the . End. There are many ways to try and limit the possibility of errors.
Cold Calling Leads: Focusing on Quality Over Quantity
Here are . My recommendations that will give you the most bang for your buck:drop down/list fields: if . There’s an opportunity to limit fields to specific answers, like yes/no, or a list of . Choices, this is really helpful. This will not only help the telemarketing agent to move . Through what happens when you start? the script quicker but help ensure that the data being captured is accurate. Here’s . One example that is relevant to bb telemarketing: it is best to provide the telemarketing . Agent with a drop-down list of relevant or acceptable titles to choose from.
How to Use Technology for Cold Calling Leads
Otherwise, you . Might get vp of sales, vice president of sales, sales vp or some other combination. . Check with your client and create one standard list b2b reviews of titles.Field requirements: this can mean . Many things.For instance if it’s a ‘required’ field make sure that you make it so . The agent has to put in an answer in the field.If it’s a field that . Should only be a number, then make it so it’s a numerical field so they . Aren’t allowed to input anythingexcept a number.