New Tool Offers Investors Ability to Directly Compare Emissions from

A new analysis from Ceres and the Clean Air Task. Force allows investors to directly. compare oil and gas company emissions intensity and total. reported emissions for  oil and. gas producers. The analysis used. publicly available data to develop comparable metrics that highlight the GHG performance. of nearly  onshore oil and. gas producers in the US. The analysis reveals dramatic variability between companies and basins. Many small oil and gas. operators have an outsized impact on total industry greenhouse gas emissions, for example.  smallest producers collectively account for just of production. they are responsible for of total. reported emissions, found the analysis.

Trillions of Reasons to Reduce Intensity and Report Consistently

Oil and gas companies are being increasingly. pushed by investors and other stakeholders. to focus on reducing emissions intensity WhatsApp Number Database  and reporting it in a consistent way. the Ceres analysis comes just a few weeks after.  investors with more than trillion in assets under management signed a. statement announcing their concern about lost. product and reputational risks and calling for stronger regulation. The new report. indicates clearly that “one oil and gas company. is not the same as another when it comes to production emissions. Logan, senior director of oil and gas at Ceres. The oil and gas companies that minimize and most effectively manage their. emissions will be best positioned to survive the. transition to a net-zero emissions future.

Stakeholder engagement with the industry

The industry’s ability to benchmark its own performance. has been stymied by a lack of clear. and consistently calculated metrics. forcing stakeholders to rely on voluntary AQB Directory metrics reported. by companies that are often incomplete. or non-comparable. The analysis — gathered by M.J. Bradley & Associates using. data that companies are required to. submit to the EPA in compliance with the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program —can help. investors make more informed. decisions, the authors say. The report’s data tool allows users to directly compare emissions intensity. and total reported emissions for. oil and gas producers, filtering by basin, company or class of company .

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