Situation and challenges of microenterprises in spain

Microenterprises , also known as microsmes , are the fundamental basis of smes in spain , which are the economic engine of the country. Here we expose the situation in which microenterprises find themselves. And the problems they face to survive, given the current difficulties of the spanish economy . What are microenterprises? It is important to briefly remember the concepts of these terms, to avoid confusion. Smes are the most general concept, since they include micro , small and medium-size businesses in spain . For their part, microenterprises are smes with less than 10 workers, including partners or owners, with a turnover equal to or less than 2 million euros. Additionally, if 25% or more of a small business’s capital is controlled by large companies , it cannot be classifie as an sme.

Microenterprises and the spanish business

Fabric according to data from the national institute of statistics (ine), in spain there are approximately 3,300,000 companies, of which 3,102,000 are microsmes. The spanish economy is consolidate in Spain WhatsApp Number Data these four autonomous communities. Distribution of microenterprises by economic sectors according to statistics from the ministry of industry, commerce and tourism , microsmes are mainly concentrate in the tertiary economic sectors of the economy. Approximately 55% of microsmes are dedicate to services. That is, hospitality, restaurant, consulting, health, tourism, training, food processing, vehicle and appliance repair, etc. On the other hand, 25% deal with activities related to retail trade and another 13% deal with construction work. Finally, only 7% focuses on the industry sector.

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What contribution to gdp

Do smes make in spain? Statistics indicate that smes represent 61% of the value of spain’s economy. This percentage is made up of a contribution of 37% from small and medium-size companies in spain and the remaining 24% from microsmes. On the other hand, large companies Cayman Islands WhatsApp Number List in spain generate the remaining 39% of gdp. These statistics mention above are somewhat similar to other countries like france, sweden, belgium, slovenia, etc. But a very large imbalance is note when the number of micro companies (94%) is compared in relation to their contribution (24%). However, large companies and small and medium-size companies in spain (6%) generate 76% of gdp. How much employment do microsmes generate for the spanish economy? Statistics indicate that in spain there are approximately 16,300,000 employe people.

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