It was a play for more sales not a true emotional connection Dale Dupree with . The Sales Rebellion focused on communicating empathy and actually showing up He shared It’s not . sitting there trying to pretend that you can relate to somebody but it’s just sharing . experiences with them and so giving them feedback on what we were doing and how . we can support them It wasn’t about pitching anymore It was just about gaining traction .
That Meant Instead of Focusing
” That meant instead of focusing on closing deals they focused on supporting people who . were struggling — especially those struggling in the mental health department — by offering free . events and encouraging people to join the theme in becoming part of a community Get . back to the sales basics As the leads dried up it became clear that sales . was no longer a numbers game Whether it’s a pandemic a recession or some other .
event sales basics stay the same And the core of sales has always been building . real relationships with people Rather than throwing more darts at the wall sales teams need . to focus on building real relationships That means really researching your prospects not just using . generic Hi how are you how was your weekend?”” Instead get to know the person . be ready to explain how you can help Take the time not just to ask .”
How They Are Doing but
How they are doing but really listen to their answers and luxembourg cell phone number list consider how you can . help If you are sending boring crappy emails that’s no longer going to work Success . in the coming year will come down to skills and systems — honing those basic . sales skills and building a solid sales system that helps you plug leaky funnels How . to prospect in 2021 The game has changed 2020 turned the business world upside down .
And Many Salespeople Took a
and many salespeople took a hit So how can we build a sales amazon saheli: fostering female entrepreneurship pipeline that . actually works in 2021? Here are a few tips shared in the webinar You need . to have more than one type of prospecting If you relied solely on inbound you . might need to miup and add outbound — and visa versa Give away free really . useful content such as a playbook or onboard training Stop closing by email — instead .
Pick Up the Phone Use
Pick up the phone Use polls and surveys to understand what cmo email list people want Use a . human touch — if you know the person likes dogs then include that in your . messaging If they are on LinkedIn go there and interact with them Embrace video It . can be used to increase engagement on LinkedIn to introduce yourself within an email etc . Finally focus on your reputation In sales your reputation is the most important thing If .