The next digital phase is the Collaborative Economy. What’s that? If you’ve heard of Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and the Maker Movement, this is the Collaborative Economy. Just as social media enabled people to create media and then share media, in this next phase, the Collaborative Economy enables people to create their own physical goods as well as share their existing physical goods. In both of these examples, they are using digital technologies to make the sharing happen. This following honeycomb graphic of the Collaborative Economy clearly illustrates the many different industries that are being impacted.
Collaborative Economy Honeycomb
View full-size image. Crowd Companies has been tracking this movement and is aware of at least 150 leading brands that have recognized the need to adopt and embrace the Collaborative Economy, and we have a Google spreadsheet to track how brands Hong Kong Number Data are using the concept in marketing and more. Each of them has acted in some way to deploy shareable products, host marketplaces, and work with makers to innovate. Here are eight companies that clearly demonstrate what marketers can do to adopt this collaborative revolution and to promote the sharing concept. 1: MasterCard and Lyft mastercard-lyft Mastercard partnered with Lyft.
To extend its “Priceless” marketing campaign
during the Christmas holiday. It decked out the Bahrain Phone Number List interior of Lyft vehicles in Christmas decorations and handed out gifts such as cookies and concert tickets. 2: KLM and Airbnb airplane-apartment airbnb-klm KLM customized a private plane for use as a unique Airbnb experience, giving a whole new meaning to “flights and accommodations all in one place.” To be fair, the plane didn’t actually fly anywhere. It was the accommodation. And it was luxurious to say the least. Three lucky families got to spend a night in the stylish apartment-in-a-plane equipped with a host of amenities not available in even a luxury hotel room. 3: Comcast and Airbnb airbnb-gameofthrones airbnb-boardwalkempire.