How to copy text from a site where you can’t copy 6 ways

Developers may need to copy text from a website to quickly insert code into a program, students may need to save time on typing, copywriters may need to get source codes for writing articles , insert a quote or thesis into an article or post. And also for everyday needs – save a recipe, share a useful note. We will tell you what to do when a website prohibits copying and the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V keys do not work.

If you can’t copy from the site

There are several methods of protecting data from copying: you can’t select and paste text, right mouse button lock, Text can be selected and copied, but cannot be pasted. And here are the methods of bypassing the protection that worked for us.

A special database is a collection of very specific or specialized data created for a particular use. This could include customer databases, industry-specific contact lists, medical records, or specialized research data sets. These databases are special database commonly used in marketing, business intelligence, or other areas where customized information is needed for making important decisions. Because the data is sensitive and specific, using or accessing a special database usually requires strict adherence to legal and privacy rules, such as GDPR or TCPA.

Disable JavaScript

special database

We go to the site from which we want to copy the text. click on the lock or triangle in the address bar with the left mouse button, we get to the settings menu and click on the section “Privacy and Security”, select the option “Site settings” activate the function “Prohibit sites from using JavaScript”, Now go back to the desired site and refresh the page – the settings will take effect and everything should work out for you.

Reading mode

The method is not suitable for every browser. For example, in Yandex Browser the reading mode icon is at the end of the address bar, but in Google Chrome it is… not there. To activate the mode in Yandex Browser you need to.paste the link to the  lead management guide: strategies and best practicesdesired page of the site, the text from which you need to copy, into the Yandex browser, Click on the icon with the letter “A”. The resulting text can be copied and pasted into a Word document.

Install an extension via the browser that unblocks scripts that prohibit copying. For example, Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy . Available for Chrome, Mozilla, Opera. Add to Chrome: you need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the browser, select the “Additional tools” tab, then “Extensions”, in the drop-down menu at the bottom, go to the section “Open an online store”, Enter the name of the extension in the search bar and install it. After installation, you will be able to copy the desired page.

Services for cleaning tags

Open the developer menu (you already know how), then copy the desired text fragment with the right mouse button and run it through online cleaning services. Let’s test several of the most popular ones. “Protection against copying of website text</strong> is one of the most important tasks on the Internet today. Many of their creators do not bother aol email list themselves with writing texts for filling. Usually they copy interesting texts from other sites.</p>”. “Protection from copying the text of a site is one of the most important tasks on the Internet today. Many of their creators do not bother themselves with writing texts for filling. Usually they copy interesting texts from other sites.”

View page code

This method can help if the above methods were powerless. However, the result will need to be cleaned of excess garbage, which we will do. “On some sites, the ability to copy text is blocked using JS scripts, and right-clicking does not work. If the text is not an image, it can still be copied. To do this, follow a few simple steps: Press F12 to open the developer menu. In the menu, select the arrow icon [1]. On the site, click on the text you want to copy.

In the developer menu, in the area [2], select the block that contains all the necessary text. When you hover over it, the corresponding area on the page will be highlighted. Click on the desired block and copy the contents Ctrl+C or in the drop-down menu when right-clicking. Paste the text into an HTML tag cleaning service, which can be found in a search engine by the query “strip html tags online”. For example,”

«You can use the browser’s “element inspector”. Find the text you want on the page, right-click and select “Inspect Element”. This opens the developer tool, where you can find the text in the HTML code and copy it from there. Install browser extensions to copy text. Some of them are. To clean the copied text from tags, you need to paste it into any text editor, such as Notepad, and then press Ctrl+Shift+H (for Windows) or Command+Shift+H (for Mac) to activate the text replacement function. Then enter <.*?> in the “Find” field, and then leave the “Replace” field empty. Click “Replace All”, and this command will remove all HTML tags from the text. There are also automated services.

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