Google Trends. We show you how it works, with examples and use cases

It makes it easier for you to know the popularity of certain keywords compar to others , making it a good ally for companies, as it gives us a lot of information about the interests of our potential clients and the seasonality of searches.

Table of Contents

How does Google Trends work?

Unlike other tools such as , Google Trends does not tell you the number of searches for a keyword, but rather shows you, through graphs, the trend associat with the keyword, comparing it over time or between different geographic areas . It also allows us to compare different terms, up to five at a time, to see which is the most popular.

This tool shows us search data from 2004 to the last 24 hours and we can see the trends in real time.

How to use Google Trends?

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Explore search trends

  1. Identify trends : Google Trends allows you to see which topics or products are gaining popularity at any given time. This can be useful for identifying new marketing opportunities or adapting your strategy to current trends.
  2. Find Keywords : This platform allows you to see how keywords behave over time, which can be useful for choosing the most appropriate ones for a website.
  3. Promote a product or service : Because it allows you to identify where people interest in certain products or services are locat, it can help you see where you can focus your marketing efforts.
  4. Find competitors : We can see how our competitors’ brand searches are evolving. This allows us to stay up to date and identify what those who are gaining notoriety are doing well.

In this way, for example, within your  you can identify emerging trends in new categories or services to offer, detect how users search for them, in what location, and, once the searches have been test, review what the strongest competitors in the sector are doing.

By visiting Google Trends you can explore the most popular topics worldwide or by country.

For example, according to this image found on the Google Trends homepage at the time of writing this article, we can see that preventing hair loss was one of the most search topics last year. Something very interesting, for example, for a dermatological clinic that is thinking of opening a new line of hair treatments.

Interest over time

Continuing with the same example, it would be interesting to check whether the search “how to prevent hair loss” (we write it without accents, since users search many more times without entering them, something that you 7 benefici della marketing automation can also compare) has an upward or downward trend, in order to prict whether the topic is of increasing interest to users, or on the contrary, had its moment in the past.

The following graph shows that since 2009 the trend has been positive, the search volume has been growing, reaching its highest peak in 2012. Since then it has remain stable until it was on the Google Trends list of the most search terms in 2015.

Geographical interest

If we were thinking of internationalizing our hair loss product , through Google Trends we could find out in which country there is more demand, and although it does not give us absolute data, we can base it on comparative data.

Another of its most interesting uses is that you can proactively  to the topics that interest you.

If our suppos clinic were thinking of focusing on a new line of business, Google Trends could be us as a tool to research the niche market to focus on.

For example, we could analyze whether users are more concern about preventing hair loss or cellulite, another option for our imaginary clinic.

Compare search trends regarding keywords relat

In the graph above, it is clearly observ that the term “how to prevent hair loss” is search for much more than “how to prevent cellulite”, although there were times in the past when the volumes were similar.

In addition to search terms, Google Trends can also be us  to compare websites with a high number of visits. This is snbd host very useful, for example, if we want to get an idea of ​​the interest in  online mia in relative terms.

According to the data provid, in Spain the newspaper Marca would have almost twice as much interest as the newspaper AS, which is probably relat to its real audiences.

You can access Google Trends from this link:

Google Trends Data Dump

It is important to know that the information provid by this tool is not given in absolute values, but rather is a sample of searches carri out through the Google search engine, organiz into categories (topics) and with aggregation (grouping) of data.

Thus, it should be not that certain types of search are exclud , such as:

  • Very infrequent searches , since Trends shows information about popular keywords. Thus, rarely search terms are shown under the value “0”.
  • Duplicate queries : Searches repeat by the same user in a short period of time are omitt, in order to avoid “falsifications” in this data.
  • Special characters : Apostrophes and others are filter.
Difference between Google Trends and Autocomplete

Google’s autocomplete feature is us to prict a user’s search, helping them to spe up the query . This priction comes from searches made in this search engine and corresponds to common trends in a certain location, also taking into account previous searches that the same user has made.

Unlike Google Trends, this feature is limit by Google’s removal policies, which automatically filters out prictions that violate its policies from being display.

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