The Digital Kit for communities of property

The Kit Digital subsidy program for SMEs, microbusinesses and the self-employed continues to expand to more productive sectors. With the recent modification of the regulatory bases for granting aid for digitalization. The Digital Kit for communities of property , civil societies and agricultural holdings is a reality. Without a doubt, this constitutes a decisive boost in the updating and growth of organizations and companies in these relevant areas. Join us to learn the details of this initiative. Now there is also a Digital Kit for communities of goods and other areas Indeed, on June 20, the granting of aid for the digitalization of small businesses , microbusinesses and self-employed people were established. That is, the conditions for requesting and granting subsidies from the Kit Digital program .

It is pertinent to remember

Government program arises within the framework of the Digital Spain 2025 Agenda, the SME Digitalization Plan 2021-2025. Likewise, it is part of Spain’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan -financed by the European Union- Next Generation EU . Specifically, the order in Netherlands Mobile Number List modifies literal b of article 7.1 of the Regulatory Bases of the Digital Kit , corresponding to the beneficiaries. The new wording makes it clear that they can also request the digital bonus. Communities of property, civil companies with a commercial purpose, professional civil companies and shared ownership agricultural holdings that carry out an economic activity, provided that their tax domicile is located in Spanish territory.” Likewise, the aforementioned order modified paragraph 7 of article 9 of the Regulatory Bases.

Phone Number List

As well as to prevent double financing

Document falsification and conflict of interest. Based on this, the applicant must complete a Declaration of No Conflict in the terms determined in each call. For these purposes, the interested party may find a Denmark Phone Number List model of said declaration in Annex V of the order in question. The Digital Kit for communities of property, civil societies and agricultural holdings in context To understand the scope of this order that extends the Digital Kit for communities of property , civil societies and agricultural holdings we need to define such entities. Firstly, a Community of Property is constituted when the ownership of an asset or right belongs jointly to several people. This must be part of a business activity carried out jointly, so it can be understood as the simplest.

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