Everything you need to know about the european

An electronic invoice is a digital receipt of the transaction of a good or service, for which an amount of money has been receive. The electronic invoice , also known as e-invoice , is the evolution of the traditional paper invoice, thanks to the advances of modern computer technologies. Advantages of electronic invoices compare to paper invoices the e-invoice does not generate costs in ink or paper. Furthermore, sending, receiving, organizing and preserving invoices in digital format is a very fast automatic process. Therefore, human errors have been reduce to a minimum. On the other hand, the volume and weight that paper invoices occupy is very large, in contrast to a computer storage disk. Finally, an electronic invoice can be search or sent from anywhere in the world, thanks to computer networks and cloud technology.

Very few people today doubt these advantages

However, many microbusinesses still continue with traditional paper invoices. This is due to the price of the billing system , necessary to implement the digital invoice , and the relative low volume of transactions of microenterprises. Governments benefit greatly from electronic invoicing , since Italy WhatsApp Number Data it has allow greater control of tax evasion. In addition, this makes it possible to more accurately keep the country’s macroeconomic statistics. The european electronic invoice and directive 2014/55/eu in april 2014, the european parliament and the council of the european union agre on the guidelines for what the european invoicing standard should be . This will have to be met in all countries of the community in the medium term, starting with the invoices between governments and private companies. Subsequently, it is plan to implement this standard in invoices between companies and individual clients.

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What were the reasons

The standardization of electronic invoices in europe? Each country in the community had develop its own billing system. But without giving importance to interoperability between them. It was expected that, naturally, one of them would prevail over. The others, so that it Chile WhatsApp Number List could be taken as a standard. However, european billing was not completely. Define in this way and interoperability was increasingly complicate. All of this was a brake on cross-border economic relations, which are essential. For the growth and strengthening of the entire economy in general. In this way, the eu had to draw these lines, to definitively direct european turnover in all member states. Main elements that european invoicing must contain the first essential element of a european electronic invoice is the invoice identifier code. The european e-invoice must also specify the time period in which it was issued.

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